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Pozivi za podnošenje prijedloga za mala i srednja preduzeća iz europskih programa finansiranja

Pozivi za podnošenje prijedloga za mala i srednja preduzeća iz europskih programa finansiranja
Izbor poziva za podnošenje prijedloga za mala i srednja preduzeća iz europskih programa finansiranja, fokusiranih na tehnologije i rješenja Green Deal-a, posebno u okviru R&D programa Horizon Europe, programa za mala i srednja preduzeća COSME, programa očuvanja prirode, klime i zaštite okoliša LIFE+ i Inovacijski fond za industriju za smanjenje emisije CO2.

Sve dolje navedene pozive je Europska komisija nedavno objavila na svojoj web stranici Funding & Tenders Platform.

CEA-PMA European Enterpreneurs nudi pomoć prilikom uspostavljanja prekograničnih projektnih konzorcijuma, također sa istraživačkim institucijama i industrijskim partnerima, ili da pronađete stručnu podršku za pripremu vašeg predloga projekta. Ukoliko ste zainteresovani možeze im se obratiti na mail projects@european-entrepreneurs.org.

Renewable Energy Supply



Programme:  Horizon Europe

Call: Development of algal and renewable fuels of non-biological origin (HORIZON-CL5-2022-D3-03-07)

Scope: Renewable fuels of the future will be also based on algae and non-biological feedstock for sectors that depend on and operate with dense fuels. Improving these technologies will contribute to advance the European scientific basis and global technological leadership in the area of renewable fuels, increase their technology competitiveness and role in transforming the energy system on a fossil-free basis by 2050.


  • Facilitating development of advanced and high-quality biofuels from algae vegetable lipids;
  • Fostering development of technological pathways for algal and non-biological renewable fuel production (including biological, biochemical, thermochemical, electrochemical processes);
  • Increasing robustness of conversion and process sustainability for algal and non-biological renewable fuels;
  • Delivering technology for longer-term needs for renewable fuels in energy and transport.
  • Improving the performance of the conversion process by increasing the efficiency, reducing the cost and decreasing the GHG emissions from the production, implementing circularity.

Activities are expected to achieve Technology Readiness Level 4-5 by the end of the project.

Eligibility Criteria: Any legal entity, i.e. also SMEs (up to 250 employees), established in a EU Member State or in a Horizon Europe Associated Country.

Consortium: At least one independent legal entity established in a Member State; and at least two other independent legal entities, each established in different Member States or Associated Countries.

Call Budget: EUR 15 million

(Co)funding: up to 100%. The Commission estimates that an EU contribution of around EUR 5 million per project would allow these outcomes to be addressed appropriately.

Deadline: 10 January 2023



Efficient and low-emission technologies for industrial use of combustion and gasification systems from low-value biogenic residues and wastes (HORIZON-CL5-2022-D3-03-06)

Deadline: 10 January 2023



Development of digital solutions for existing hydropower operation and maintenance (HORIZON-CL5-2022-D3-03-08)

Deadline: 10 January 2023



Green Tech



Programme:  Innovation Fund

Call: Clean-tech manufacturing (INNOVFUND-2022-LSC-03-MANUFACTURING)

Scope: This call aims to support projects on innovative clean-tech manufacturing of components for hydrogen production, renewable energy and energy storage in order to build industrial capacity, technology leadership, supply chain resilience and strategic autonomy on these decarbonisation technologies within the EU. 

Objectives: Construction of manufacturing facilities and their operation to produce specific components for:

  • renewable energy installations (in photovoltaics, concentrated solar power, wind power, ocean energy, geothermal, solar thermal etc.), including their connection to the electricity/heat grid;
  • electrolysers and fuel cells;
  • energy storage solutions for stationary and mobile use for intra-day and long duration storage;
  • heat pumps.

Eligibility Criteria: Any legal entity, i.e. also SMEs (up to 250 employees).

Consortium: n/a

Call Budget:  EUR 700 000

(Co)funding: Project budgets (maximum grant amount) must be calculated on the basis of the relevant costs.

Deadline: 16 March 2023



Innovative electrification in industry and hydrogen (INNOVFUND-2022-LSC-02-INDUSTRY-ELEC-H2)

Deadline: 16 March 2023



General decarbonisation (INNOVFUND-2022-LSC-01-GENERAL)

Deadline: 16 March 2023



Green Ecosystems



Programme:  Single Market Programme

Call: Greening SMEs in the proximity and social economy ecosystem through transnational co-operation (SMP-COSME-2022-SEE-01)

Scope:  This call aims at greening the processes and activities of SMEs in the social economy by boosting the development of sustainable practices through capacity building, knowledge transfer and transnational cooperation. In doing so, this call for proposals aims at empowering social economy SMEs to deliver on the objectives set by the EU Green Deal by fostering their capacities and skills, improving their sustainable management and greening their operations


  • Providing advisory services and technical support activities related to financing, incubation, acceleration and scaling-up of sustainability processes and activities;
  • Providing direct financial support for capacity building and training;
  • Improving capacity of social economy SMEs and entrepreneurs to perform on the green transition;
  • Enhancing transnational cooperation of public authorities and other stakeholders on the identification and implementation of sustainability practices for the proximity and social economy ecosystem;
  • Fostering cross-sectorial cooperation and knowledge transfer between social economy SMEs and start-ups, mainstream businesses, consultancies, business support centres and incubators with regard to the uptake of green skills and the development of more sustainable products and services.

Eligibility Criteria: Any legal entity, i.e. also SMEs (up to 250 employees), established in a EU Member State or in a SMP Associated Country.


  • At least 6 independent entities from at least 3 different eligible countries;
  • At least 1 social economy intermediary per participating country involved in the consortium;
  • A minimum of 1 and a maximum of 2 support organisations active at EU level such as sectorial member federations and associations or networks representing social economy entities.

Call Budget:  EUR 6 million

(Co)funding:  Between EUR 750 000 and EUR 1 million

Deadline: 14 February 2023